May 04, 2021
Tony Cerato
Rotary Peace Fellowship

TONY  CERATO                                   

Tony is retired from a company he owned in International trade.  Tony has been in Rotary for 31 years.  He is currently a member of the Phoenix Rotary 100 Rotary Club.  He has been a Club President, and a Group Rep two times (now called Assistant Governors).  Tony has been the Foundation Chair for all four Rotary Clubs he has been a member of (Newbury Park RC in Thousand Oaks, CA, Green Bay RC in Green Bay, WI, Colorado Springs RC in Colorado Springs, CO, and Phoenix Rotary 100).  In addition to being involved on many other Club and District committees throughout his Rotary career, in 2013-14 Tony was named D5470 Rotarian of the Year in Colorado. Tony has spoken extensively on The Rotary Foundation, and is currently the D5495 Peace Fellowship Committee Chair.

Tony and his wife Marcelline, are Major Donors Level 2, and their 4 sons are all Paul Harris Fellows.