Welcome to another issue of our weekly bulletin! Find out who our upcoming speakers are, what we covered in the August 15th meeting and any other scheduled events.
Club Activity
President Elect Laura Trout called the meeting to order at noon.
-Meredith reported that the Mongolia project is doing well
-Mike Casey said the young man who was coming from Pakistan is encountering difficulties entering the US
-Reminder - this is Polio Plus Awareness Month
-Reminder - please check to see that you have paid the first quarter invoice, second quarter now due, please send check to the PO Box on the invoice
-Mike Casey encourages us to support a family that is victim of flooding by attending a Peaks Celtic Ensemble concert 10-29-2022 at 7:30 pm at the Coconino High School Mini Auditorium, tickets $20 adults, $10 children, available at AZ Music Pro and at the door
Past President Carla, filling in for Meredith, called the third meeting of the Rotary year to order just after noon. Lee Raddatz led the Pledge of Allegiance. We held a moment of silence to allow us to think about those dear to us.
Service Projects: Our TerraBIRDS workday was a success! Next service project is this Saturday, November 5, at Buffalo Park, where we'll be helping Girls On The Run with their annual event.
Coconino County Elections, Presenters - Stan Pierce, Elections Training & Outreach Coordinator and Wendy Kasprzyk-Roberts, Elections Administrator
The goal is safe, secure and transparent elections.  They have to print out 192 different ballots, based on the offices in which each voter will cast ballots. For transparency, the tabulator room has live video of counting, the ballots from each polling place are transported in sealed boxes to the tabulator room. At the voting centers and the polling places there are a minimum of 6 persons needed, which are supposed to be as evenly divided among parties as possible, however, this depends on how many members of every party apply to work the polls.  Voting instructions are in 4 languages (English, Spanish, Navajo and Hopi). More people are opting to vote early by mail.
Remember to VOTE!
Wrap up and Rotary announcements
Split the pot - once again Hoppy announced there was no winner
The meeting was adjourned after the recitation of the Four-Way Test.
Rotarians are People of Action!
Upcoming Events 
Club Meeting, 1st Tuesday
Dec 03, 2024 11:45 AM UTC-07:00
Coffee with the President
Dec 06, 2024
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Salvation Army Bell Ringing
Dec 07, 2024
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Board Meeting
Dec 10, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
View entire list
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