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Welcome to another issue of our weekly bulletin! Find out who our upcoming speakers are, what we covered in the October 4th meeting and any other scheduled events.
Club Activity
Past President Carla, filling in for Meredith, called the third meeting of the Rotary year to order just after noon. Lee Raddatz led the Pledge of Allegiance. We held a moment of silence to allow us to think about those dear to us.
Happy bucks: Several of those present gave Happy Bucks to commemorate special parts of their lives
Announcements: Carla reminded us of the Friendship conference near Mexico City, in which she is participating and she wants each of us to consider pledging to financially assist with global grant(s) she will learn about when she is there.
President Meredith sent us a progress report from Mongolia. After the success of the first global grant eradicating hepatitis in one province, the successful model is being spread throughout other provinces. The Rotary Club of Ulan Bator and the National Health Service have also worked together with the global grant in this new push to rid Mongolia of hepatitis.
Our next meeting speaker will be Stan Pearce, the Coconino County Election Manager, on October 18. Yet another important subject for us as citizens.  
Service Projects: Our TerraBIRDS workday is Saturday, October 29, from 9am-2pm, at Ponderosa School, 2384 N. Steves Blvd. This project will be followed by a pizza party social, please come help (and eat some pizza!).
Other Updates:
  • Theatrikos will be celebrating its 50th birthday this coming weekend, September 9, 10, and 11!
  • Thanks to Tasha for hosting our August social at The Bluffs! The Bluffs will also be holding its Grand Opening on September 8.
  • Mike Williams and Paul Wagner had some Happy Bucks to chip in.
Rotary Moment: Past President Eric Walden presented us with the question of "What is your identity as a Rotarian?" His message was we each need to ponder this and then act accordingly. Thank you for being a Rotarian!
Laura introduced our speaker, Lindsey DeStefano, the artist who designed and created the mural downtown to commemorate the 100th anniversary of our club's founding. Her mother, Sarah Bickell, a former member of our club, was with Lindsey. 
The mural is huge, 33 by 21 feet, and is high off the ground. This required Lindsey to enlist the help of Rotarians Steve Cervantes and Tonya Watson in applying the 82 different paint colors to the wall.
Lindsey, as a Flagstaff native and Coast Guard veteran, was happy to have this opportunity to help improve the community and highlight one of the consistent benefactors of Flagstaff, our Rotary club. She thanked Tonya for her yeoman's work in obtaining the city permits and cutting through the red tape to get this mural completed. City leaders have remarked on how much they like the mural and community members detour through the alley to walk by it.
We honored Lindsey by giving her a Paul Harris Fellow Award, for which she expressed great appreciation.
Wrap up and Rotary announcements
The meeting was adjourned after the recitation of the Four-Way Test.
Rotarians are People of Action!
Upcoming Events 
Club Meeting, 1st Tuesday
Dec 03, 2024 11:45 AM UTC-07:00
Coffee with the President
Dec 06, 2024
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Salvation Army Bell Ringing
Dec 07, 2024
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Board Meeting
Dec 10, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
View entire list
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Billie McGraw
December 15
Lee Raddatz
December 17
Join Date
Dino Dullbson
December 1, 1999
25 years
Hoppy Hopkins
December 1, 1999
25 years
Mark Frank
December 16, 1999
25 years
Timothy Kinney
December 31, 2000
24 years
Officers & Directors
Immediate Past President
The Rotary Foundation
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