Welcome to another issue of our semi-monthly bulletin. Be sure to attend the next regular meeting on September 5th at our new location - The Bluffs.  The speaker will be Jeff Hall from Lowell Observatory
Club Activity
Past President Carla Viola called the meeting to order while President Laura Trout attended on Zoom from Minnesota. Paul led us in the Pledge.
We welcomed a guest of Thom's  - Greg from Western Arizona.  Also attending were visiting Rotarians Dale and Jan Gray.
We began the meeting with Happy Bucks.  Paul was happy to have picked up his son in San Francisco at the end of a 4,000 mile bike ride.  Wow!! That's a lot of pedaling! Vaughan was happy for another year of wedded bliss to his wonderful wife Lisa. There were others, but Carla was trying to run the meeting and take notes at the same time...
The thought for the day was from Paul Harris, "Rotary changes us and those we serve.  I believe we can change the world one life at at time".
August is Membership Development and New Club month.  President Laura suggests that we check out the videos at MY ROTARY to learn about Rotary's impact in the world.
Service Projects: 
Steve Colf is the service project coordinator for this Rotary year.  Carla will be sending out information about the date in October when we will be working on our District Grant Project building handicapped ramps in Hopi.
Upcoming Socials:
Tonya reminded us our August Social will be August 29th at 5pm at Lee's house, where we will be hosting some Rotarians from Texas who raised the $300,000 for the Navajo Water project which will start soon.
District Activity:
The district has 17 youth exchange students this year, hosted mainly in the Valley.  We may be called upon to show them around Flagstaff.
Registration is open for the Mexico USA Friendship Conference and Global Grant Exchange which will be held in Prescott this October.  The dates are October 26-29 and registration can be accomplished on the District website.
Unfortunately our scheduled speaker was unable to attend, so Past President Carla enlisted a couple of Rotarians in attendance to update us on their areas of expertise.
First up was Eric Walden, who is the sponsor of the Interact club based at Flagstaff Arts and Leadership Academy (FALA).  He reported that after the graduation of many of last year's members, there are only two returning members. However, for the first meeting of the year there were four students in attendance and an impressive group they were. Eric found himself inspired anew and the maturity and commitment of the group, and we look forward to hearing updates from him regarding their activities this school year.
Second was Mike Casey, who is involved in NGSE - New Generation Service Exchange.  The program is for young people aged 19-30 years, and they come for from 3 weeks to 3 months to work in their field and make friends and connections in the USA. There are 2 this year from Wales - a personal trainer and an engineer.
Also, in past years Mike has been the sponsor for the Rotaract Club at NAU, though after Covid no students have stepped forward to revive the club.
He also mentioned RYLA , which is a leadership program for Interact youth. Eric would love to see one of his Interactors attend this year.
Wrap up and Rotary announcements
Split the pot - Lee won the draw, but failed to find the Joker, so the $445 rolled over for another month.
The Four-Way Test was recited and the meeting adjorned.
Rotarians are People of Action!
Upcoming Events 
Board Meeting
Jan 14, 2025
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Club Meeting, 3rd Tuesday
Taverna Restaurant
Jan 21, 2025 11:45 AM
Rotary Leadership Institute
Jan 25, 2025
8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
January Social
Starlite Lanes
Jan 29, 2025
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
View entire list
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Eric Heiser
January 1
Maria Martell
January 12
Laura Trout
January 23
Mike Williams
Barbara Williams
January 8
Join Date
Mike Williams
January 1, 1987
38 years
Chris Verrill
January 2, 2001
24 years
Kamil Churaev
January 9, 2023
2 years
Meredith Potts
January 15, 2011
14 years
Officers & Directors
Immediate Past President
The Rotary Foundation
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